Carl L. Sheeler, PhD

River Edge Values Advisory Services


Business Valuations Ltd.
Allison Appraisals & Assessments, Inc.

National Managing Partner

Privatus LLC


Business Advisor

Many organizations are drowning in minutiae that prevents them from growing company value. They often don’t know what they don’t know, which limits their options. It's vital they have an executed strategy that identifies relevant resources and reduces risks to get from status quo to goal achievement. Most solely focus on the financial top and bottom line. In fact, it is an insufficient measure of performance and will not get you from here to there. It's essential you master human capital that allows you to leverage the right team of aligned advisors and staff. 

I have assisted over 1200 mid-market to mid-cap companies with their planned and unplanned transitions, transfers and transactions. I was awarded the Alliance of Merger and Acquisition Advisors Mid-Market Thought Leader of the Year for 2015. 

Litigation Expert

There are circumstances where an (in)action creates an event or conflict of interest that can end up in a messy dispute. These disputes can have significant damage or economic loss to value, income, assets and/or equity. Whenever there is a complex messy issue, it's best to secure a seasoned financial expert who is a warrior statesman possessing the intellectual rigor to articulate well-supported findings in an easily understood way. 

My findings are delivered in an objective report that captures the most germane issues presented to the trier of fact by bringing 25 years of court qualified expert testimony on over 175 disputes. 

Specialties: Value Creation, Business Valuation, Gift, Trust & Estate Business Appraiser, ESOP Appraiser, Strategic Planning, Fairness Opinions, Expert Testimony, Business Appraisal, Litigation Support, Trust Litigation, Shareholder Disputes, Class Actions, Economic Loss, Commercial Damages, Fractional Interest Discounting, Risk Management for Midmarket and Family Businesses & Offices to Midcap public companies. Valuation of Tangible & Intangible Asset Holding Companies (LPs/LLCs/Trusts).


Transactions – Institutional caliber, independent 3rd party guidance on M&A and liquidity
Transfers – Divesting, from ESOP to gifting or partial equity interest sale
Taxes – Elegant options in conjunction with investment, legal and accounting advice
Transitions – Strategic and holistic focus on opportunities and value building
Transformations – Identifying risks and unique opportunities that don’t follow the herd
Trouble – Family disputes; fiduciary duty, equity value, shareholder rights and governance


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Carl's C.V.